Get rid of all low priority mails on GMAIL using the new Priority Inbox feature on your Gmail Account

Google has always been innovating new features for solving our day-to-day problems.Google recently launched the Beta version of Priority Inbox.
Now you can start working on your high priority mails before its too late.
Priority mails include your bills , bank notices , emails from corporate accounts etc.

Well its not clear on how google decides to promote a mail to Priority Inbox , but as observed by many people its working to the expectations. Google has really worked well on filtering your emails for Spam and Junk emails.Now Google added a reverse feature that's unique to Gmail – it's the Priority Inbox.

Email Importance sounds great for people who receive a lot of emails everyday.

Google takes into account signals like :
"the messages from people you frequently email are important, if a message includes words frequently used in other messages you usually read , then its probably important" ,
"starred messages are important  than the message you just mark it as Read without opening" ,
"messages deleted without opening are less important , and hence moved to Everything Else"

When you Login to your Gmail account , on the right top corner there's a link in RED ,  New! Priority InboxBeta
Click this link and then click Try it now.

Note Priority Inbox feature works only for incoming mails and doesn't care about the unread important mails in your inbox. (That's a problem that the Google team should look into.)

This feature filters your emails into mainly 3 categories :
Important and Unread
Everything Else

You can explicitly increase or decrease the priority of a particular mail using the important/unimportant button

However  I found that it keeps emails from Banks , Facebook , Corporate Accounts etc. into Priority Inbox list always , even if you had decreased its priority.


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